This document should give you an idea of the things we believe about how we'll do great work as a team.
Since life is short, how and who we choose to spend it with might be one of the more important decisions we make.
Where did these values come from?
We simply asked the team to write down anonymously, what do they like about working at RISE. The following values are an attempt to simplify all of those things into four key areas. Maybe this is just semantics, but the following behaviors are both aspirational and practical. Aspirational in that when we don't live up to these, your teammates will hold you accountable to get better. But practical in that, everyone at Rise behaves in this way today. It's what makes us tick. We have a group need to uphold these behaviors.
Life is short.
This is the most important value. Everything else is an outgrowth of this one value. The basic idea is that US society is structured around spending most of your life's hours at work. Those hours should be great.
It doesn't mean you'll feel joy all the time, it just means that you should be an environment where you can thrive.
How this affects our customers
The reason Rise exists is helping society get better sleep which influences every waking moment of your life. We believe that by getting your sleep right, you have the foundation to live the life you want.
How this affects your life at Rise
Every decision that we make is through this lens. More specifically, this means that valuation, progress, milestones, and outcomes are in service of and lower priority than how you're doing.
Disciplined Thought and Disciplined Action.
This is answering the questions: What are you trying to do? Why are you trying to do it? We commit ourselves to being intentional about what we do.