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We're hiring a senior iOS Swift engineer to join our team—focused on building our mobile app. I wrote this letter to help you decide if this is the right opportunity for you. In it, I share what you need to be successful, what success looks like, and challenges you're likely to face.

If it turns out this is a fit, I believe that you will be hard-pressed to find something more meaningful and impactful for your life and career.

It will take you time to read through, but if you do, you should learn something new, have a clear sense of what we're working on, and know if you'll thrive in our current environment. You won't find traditional requirements. Mostly because this isn't a traditional role and we're not looking for a traditional person.

For the right person, this could be a once-in-lifetime chance to do something that matters and propels your personal growth.

Thanks in advance for reading and sleep well,

Leon CTO and Co-founder @ Rise Science

What are we working on at Rise Science?

The short answer: we're building a sleep app for everyday-people that helps you be less tired and get more out of your day.

Sleep is the most potent performance enhancing drug there is. It's the foundation of literally everything we can measure about you. And it's your nights that dictate your days.

Read about how we got started: Our founders' journey to sleep and its importance.

You might ask “Does the world need another sleep app?” The answer is, no, it doesn’t. At least not a traditional one...

Through years of user research and product development, we learned that people don’t want to spend more time sleeping.

What people really want is to have more energy.

It turns out the biggest determinant of your energy levels is your sleep. However, the tools available today only address part of the problem. Some are trying to help you fall asleep (like Calm) and others aim to measure your sleep (like Fitbit, WHOOP, & Oura). None of these services are designed to help you feel better and have more energy. In fact, WHOOP’s recent peer-reviewed paper shows that while their tracker is accurate for measuring sleep it does not effectively improve sleep behavior.

For people to feel better sleep tracking is necessary but not sufficient.

RISE is not a sleep tracker. Our mission is to affect long-term behavior change to help people feel better and have more energy. After all, that is what people want. And to do that, you need to make the feedback loop between your sleep and your daily energy instant. We are not alone, the academic literature backs this up: BJ Fogg says that “it’s emotion that creates behavior, not repetition.” And this is why our company is called Rise Science. We couple peer-reviewed science with constant user feedback to guide our product development.